Follow and Respond: Michael Brennand-Wood and Oriel Zinaburg
Michael Brennand-Wood, Storyboard 15 – Palindrome Staircase, 2022
Created between 2020 and 2022, the Storyboards series by Michael Brennand-Wood is about the nature of interpretation, how we follow and respond to information, making and unmaking. Itembraces the unpredictable as an important component of creative thought and, says Brennand-Wood, ‘is about finding a narrative within a collection of seemingly random images’.For Oriel Zinaburg, whose work explores the relationship between the artistic act and fluidity of emotion, there exists an open-ended journey where the final piece is not preconceived, but the result of a series of actions along the way as he embodies the characteristics of the creative process.
Where: Rue Abraham Constantin 6, 1206, Geneva Private View: Wednesday 29 May 2024; 12:00 – 20:00 Exhibition: 29 May – 31 July 2024, Thursday and Friday, 11:00 – 18:00 All other days by appointment